Each April, I write a poem every day for National Poetry Writing Month.

Photo by Bloomtique

Who is
Farah Lawal Harris?

I am a graceful overcomer.

I consistently succeed despite many challenges: low self-esteem, violence, depression, being the only Black, career burnout, chronic stress and pain, uterine fibroids, and most recently, breast cancer. Not only do I overcome, but I also inspire hundreds of thousands of others to do the same by sharing my stories and wisdom through writing, producing, coaching, and public speaking.

I am confidently vulnerable.

I have witnessed the power stories possess. Stories have the power to heal and inspire change. Through my work, I share my journey to instigate change and make people feel less alone. The first person my words ever healed is me.

I am a light.

I spread love through raw and cheerful honesty, beauty, and laughter. If I make at least one person smile or feel seen, I see it as a victory!

I am a wise creative.

I do what I love and I love what I do!

I teach. I lead. I entertain. I inspire.

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